Eczema: What is it and how to treat it naturally?


Eczema is a skin condition that causes uncomfortable, dry and itchy patches of skin. It's a common condition that isn't contagious and symptoms can flare up if you contact an irritant or an allergen which acts as a trigger. Eczema is in fact a form of dermatitis which is an inflammatory skin. Eczema actually weakens your skin's barrier function, wh

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Magnesium Glycinate for Sleep Deprivation


In a world full of constant struggles, the last thing we want to have is trouble falling asleep. Sleep is an essential part of everyday life, however, after a long day, it is not always possible to wind down and enjoy a good night's rest. Fortunately, we know that individuals are able to combat this through dietary supplementation with Magnesium. M

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1851 Hits

Garlic- Mother Nature’s Antibiotic


The History of Garlic Garlic has been an essential part of the human diet for centuries, where it was used for both food and medicinal purposes. Over the years, garlic was even named the "Russian penicillin" and "natural antibiotic" due to its healing properties. Some of these health benefits include cardiovascular protection, lowering of blood pre

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Did you know that high blood pressure impacts approximately 30% of adult's worldwide and over one in five Australian adults? The portion of adults with high blood pressure increased with age and both males and females appear to be at nearly equal risk! What is blood pressure? Blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the pressure of blood on y

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Calcification of Arteries and the Role of Vitamin K2


Arterial calcification refers to the deposition of calcium salts on arterial walls. It is often associated with increased risk for atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Although its prevalence is age and gender-dependent, it is found in a significant proportion of the population, with one study reporting its occur

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Gut Health - The Importance of a Healthy Gut Microbiome


The gut is often referred to the "forgotten organ" (1), but we are here to tell you why you should never neglect your gut health!   So you may be thinking, what is a gut microbiome and why is it important? The gut microbiome refers to the genomes of the microorganisms that live in your gastrointestinal tract- these are made up of bacteria, arc

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Sleep Deprivation Health Consequences - A Natural Approach to Healthy Sleep Habits


It is widely known that 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night is needed to ensure we can function efficiently during the day and to ensure we all have a good quality sleep. But what does it mean if we do not get a full 7-9 hours or your sleep is disrupted? The consequences of disrupted or lack of sleep could be both short term and long term on t

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The Role of Natural Substances in the Functioning of the Stomach – Herbs and Enzymes


It is no secret that digestion plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing. Although several digestive organs work together in this process, the breakdown food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and utilised by the body occurs in the stomach. Unfortunately, external factors such as stress, diet, and medications among many othe

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1380 Hits

Importance of Bowel Regularity: Focus on Fibre


Everyone has experienced constipation or diarrhoea at some point in their lives. These are common incidences considering our diet, exercise and lifestyle choices are in constant change to keep up with the demands of everyday life! However, recurring bowel issues can create discomfort and interfere with our lives. It can also be a huge indicator of

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  1200 Hits
1200 Hits

Collagen – Support your skin from within!


A little bit about the skin Did you know the skin is the largest organ of the body? It provides multiple functions such as regulating temperature and water loss and acting as an initial barrier against UV damage, chemical and mechanical injury and microorganisms. (1) The skin consists of three layers; Epidermis The epidermis is the outer layer of t

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Coenzyme Q10 – From Migraines to Cholesterol


Coenzyme Q10 is the third most consumed nutritional supplement worldwide alongside omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) and multivitamins (1). This is because of its powerful antioxidant properties that provide a spectrum of health benefits, ranging from cholesterol management and cardiovascular health, to muscle recovery and improving skin health. In th

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2780 Hits