We test to ensure your products remain stable for its entire shelf life.
Stability testing programs are required to demonstrate that a product or raw material can meet or exceed its stated shelf life under different environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity.
We have a range of comprehensive product stability testing services across internationally recommended storage profiles. After manufacturing of your product, we can conduct shelf life studies to suit your market.
Our expert knowledge and historical experience of material stability performance are then integrated into our product formula development process to ensure minimal formulation changes are required across the product’s life cycle.
We have a range of comprehensive product stability testing services across internationally recommended storage profiles. After manufacturing of your product, we can conduct shelf life studies to suit your market.
Our expert knowledge and historical experience of material stability performance are then integrated into our product formula development process to ensure minimal formulation changes are required across the product’s life cycle.
Our stability testing conditions:
Refrigerated |
Zone II (Mediterranean/ subtropical) |
25°C/60% RH
Zone IVa (Hot humid/tropical) |
30°C/65% RH
Zone IVb (Hot/higher humidity) |
30°C/75% RH
Accelerated |
40°C/75% RH